Thomas Lanquet and Thomas Cooper
London: T. Berthelet, 1560
Cc [Lanquet] SR
This edition of Coopers Chronicle is a history of the world from its beginning until Elizabeth I’s ascension to the English throne. Thomas Lanquet, who began the work, only reached the year AD 17 before his death in 1545, and the Protestant bishop Thomas Cooper continued it. Cooper in his dedication summarises how much has happened across Europe during the Reformation: ‘how many debates betwene England France and Scotland, how great alteracion of religion, how many rebellions, how diuers warres, how great persecucions for the same in Germanie, Englande, Denmarke, Boheme, Spaine, France and Italy, what change of prynces, what alteracion of common lawes, how many enormitees newly spronge up among the people of all countreis: Wherfore, that Englishe men may … understand the troublous affaires as wel of other cou[n]treis as their owne, I have drawen out …. the summe of all those things that have ben done … fro[m] the beginning of king Henry the [e]ights reigne, unto the late death of queene Marie.’ The book ends by recalling European migration for denominational reasons: ‘The reporte of this [Elizabeth’s coronation] was ioyfull tidinges to such as in Queene Maries tyme for religions sake fledde into Germanie and other countreis.’